I wore a comfy outfit which was appropriate for the classroom today-I love shirts with bows on them-they make me happy :):)
Also-what happened to the nice weather the last couple of days?! It's freezing outside!
Anywhoo...This verse seemed appropriate considering the weather and my insomnia
Genesis 31:40
This was my situation: The heat consumed me in the daytime and the cold at night, and sleep fled from my eyes.
Earrings-Gift from sister
Blouse- Charlotte Russe
Cardigan- Alco-I have six of these in different colors because I love them and they were only 5 bucks each- I couldn't pass it up!
Black pants- JC Penny I think? These are ancient. I used to do reader's theatre in them way back freshman year of high school!
Socks- Dollar Store
Black Flats- Savers-2$!
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