Ahhhhhh!!! I'm so excited! I told my grandma to get ready because Katie and I were taking pictures for her blog so I would become famous. Dad was wrong about me, I am a winner!
We had a ma-valous day, darling. We woke up late after chattering like chipmunks all night. You know that noise that furry woodland creatures make? "chickachickachikachika" That was us. Then we spent an obscene time in Target picking out goodies for a Samaritan's Purse shoebox. It's this awesome ministry that gives toys and news of Jesus to children who might otherwise not receive either. I picked out things for a girl and she picked out things for a boy.
Then we shopped for vintage things till we dropped. Okay we didn't drop but I was limping. No really. My foot hurt.
Did you notice how the sun was out today? What's up with that? Usually November tries to make you forget that there is color in the world. But not today. Today was fabulous. Especially because I spent it with the wonderful Katie Jones. (She's still Katie Jones in my heart)

The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field. Matthew 9:37-38
Rachelle is wearing:
Tank Top-Macy's
I am wearing:
Sweater-Vintage, hand me down
Jeggings-Charlotte Russe
Shoes-Vintage, thrifted
Blazer-Vintage, thrifted
Hat-Vintage, thrifted
Bag- Target
1. I love Rachelle (and you too of course!)
2. "hand me down" does not accurately describe the life cycle of that sweater. It used to belong to mom. I acquired it in middle school and it became an instant favorite. I wore it to the natural helpers retreat and there is a newspaper clipping from that trip with me wearing that sweater.
Your hair looks so wonderful. I love that I probably don't even have ten inches of hair total. I think I have three+ years before I have my dream hair.
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