Today was wonderful. Sean and I slept in, then I got up and had breakfast all made for me by my wonderful hubby. We then lounged around for a while and then took a walk to the coffee shop to drink an italian soda and read some out of the Bible. We read from Ecclesiastes :) After that we walked back home and took our weekly grocery trip-I love grocery shopping with Sean-it makes it so much more enjoyable :) Tonight we're going to the play at the college-I miss being a part of the plays, but the evenings are the only time during the week that I get to see Sean, so I don't really want to take up that time with play practices...It's called "The Diviners" I hear it's supposed to be sad, which I don't like-but there are friends in the play that I should support-so off we go!
Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!
God Bless,
Ecclesiastes 7:9
Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.
Dress- Walmart
Earrings- Gift from my sister
Jacket- Thrifted
Collared shirt- Shopko-old
Boots- Walmart
Leg Warmers- Walmart
Dresses are super versatile. I like your boots!
Yes, nice boots!! :)
cute look!!! love how you layer diffents pieces!!
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