Well, hey there cuties! This weekend I had a bit of time off so I decided to have a bit of fun and recreate one of my favorite photographs from pinterest. It is a fabulous vintage lady who is obviously vivacious, exuberant and beautiful. Her hairstyle was so intriguing that I wanted to try it for myself, and then I tried to recreate the photo a bit! I had a lot of fun with this one and tomorrow's tutorial will be this hairstyle, so check back if you're interested in how to recreate this look for yourself!

Sean and I have had the past few days off. We had planned to go visit my grandparents, but both they and I ended up getting sick, so we decided not to go. It has been so nice having a couple of days to just get some projects done around the house as well as relax and recuperate a bit. Sean and I finally worked on putting up some pictures on our wall, which I've been wanting to do since we moved into our home. It just makes the space look so much more warm and personal when you surround yourself with things that you enjoy. We still have some more things to hang, but it's definitely a start. It is just so time consuming!
I almost missed the important detail that the above gal decided to add to her ensemble-a bunch of flowers on either side of her pompadour roll! I thought it was the perfect thing to make a winter outfit seems just a bit fresher and I wanted to add a bit of color with mine. I'm starting to take note of those smaller details in vintage fashion photos-looking past just what dress the woman is wearing, and focusing more on how their hair is styled, what accessories they are sporting, how they are standing, etc. It's the little things!
BONUS: This gorgeous little clutch I'm carrying can be yours, just check it out here in my shop!
Phineas was watching through the window while we were taking photos...what a cutie!
Well, I tried, right?
Have a blessed Monday and don't forget to check out may hair tutorial tomorrow for tips on this style!
God bless,
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Coat- Grandma's
Sweater- Thrifted
Skirt- Vintage, 4 Season's Flea Market
Shoes- Vintage, Benson's Flea Market
Clutch- Midwest Charm Vintage
Lipstick- Wet'n'Wild, Cinnamon
ps: Thanks for the catch on terminology Kristian!
I think the "bumper bangs" are actually called a pompadour roll :)
Seems like you had fun.
I literately just found you on Modcloth's style gallery page and liked your recent look, and then looked at your previous outfits and I AM IN LOVE with your style! Jumped on your blog address and here I am!
You my dear have a new fan.
This recreation of the shot is simply perfect! the hair, the outfit. perfection xxxx
I always love that skirt. You look like you are having such fun in the photos! Kx
You look so darling, your hair is so perfect here!
This is adorable! I love the skirt!
I think you did a great job! Love the hairstyle!
Wow, you did such a great job of recreating that photo. You look gorgeous :)
MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!! I couldn't tell you two apart, you look so much like the girl from the photo it's creepy! I can't believe a human being could make hair look so fabulous and cool! I love your hairdos and this one just screams BEAUTY! *_* Oh man, can't stop looking at the gorgeous photos ^_^
I love the way you've recreated your favorite photo.
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