This morning we left the house around 10 and went to the mall to get haircuts. When we got there though we found that it was crazy days!! So of course we had to do a little shopping as well...Jeni bought me this amazingly beautiful bag as an early birthday present (it was 75% off!). I will have to show it to you later this week :)
After shopping a bit we went and got our haircut! I got two inches off, but really it doesn't look like I got a cut at all. These pictures were taken post cut-can you tell? After the mall (at which my sister found some awesome dresses) We went downtown to a little bistro where you can get the most amazing paninis. I should have branched out, but I got the same thing I got last time I went there-it was just too good!
After our tummies were full we went to an antique store just chock full of treasures. There was a table with a bunch of three-dollar stuff on it and Jeni and I each got a vintage brooch (she bought mine, the darling). Jeni also tried on this fabulous three piece vintage suit from Saks 5th Ave. from the 1960's, but decided it was a bit pricey. After the antique store we made our way across town to another thrifting treasure trove. It has racks of dollar items and Jeni came away with another great dress. I was a good little girl. I only spent two dollars-I bought a pair of dress pants (of which I am sorely in need of) and a sweater for Sean.
It was such a great day! I can't believe how good I was at not spending money-usually I have a hard time with it, but I think I've come to the realization that we're poor and I have plenty of items at home to keep me happy :) But Jeni found some amazing items that looked so great on her!! And I made her snap some photos of me as well-thanks Jen! It was a blast :D
So that was my day off-how did you spend your holiday?
God Bless!
1 Peter 3:8
Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.
Don't I have beautiful sisters? Gawrsh...;D
Sweater-Old, shopko maybe? I've had this one since middle school I think...
Shorts- vintage from a two piece suit-rummage sale
Coat-Old Navy
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