My sisters, without discussing it with each other, both got Christmas presents for the family from places which help out poverty stricken children, or women who have been rescued, released or escaped from a life of forced prostitution. I don't know why I didn't get the memo to buy all of my gifts from places like these, but I already knew my sisters were amazing. ANYWAY-My eldest sister got my other sister and I some beautiful pajama pants from a place called "Punjammies." This is the organization which helps out women who have been formerly sold into prostitution. Many times they have no where else to turn once they are free of that life and so Punjammies gives them a place to learn a skill and receive the care they need after coming out of horrible circumstances. Here is the website. I got a beautiful floral, black and white pair and they are super comfy! I really recommend checking out the site and buying some :) It goes to such a great cause.
My other older sister got my eldest sister and I some beautiful jewelry from a place called "Corridor of Hope." This is also a great place to help out those in other countries less fortunate than we are. I got a beautiful pair of earrings which I am wearing in my photos. They are just gorgeous and I love that when I wear them it makes me think about how blessed I am and how the money went to help those in need.
Just think about the incredible excess of things that most of us are blessed with. We have many clothes, several pieces of jewelry, tons of shoes-and we're always wanting more, while many are struggling to just meet basic needs. I'm not saying this to make anyone feel bad, I'm as guilty as anyone-just wanting you to know that there is a way to help others in the process. If you're interested in the jewelry go to this website and buy it from a place that helps out others! You'll be aiding a cause and getting something beautiful to wear :):D Here is the site.
I think from now on I'm going to do a lot more research on products like this and try in the future to buy gifts from places with a cause :)
Thanks to my lovely sisters for sharing these sights and giving to something so great!
God Bless!
This is one of my favorite verses, and one that we should all think on with great importance:
James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Aren't these earrings just lovely?
Earrings- Corridor of Hope
it's so sweet that you think of others, even while consuming :) it must be even more awesome if you put on something pretty to feel the good deed you've done :) thanks for your sweet comment!
lovely color combination, you look great!
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