I know that at least a few schools around the area were canceled-so it is officially a snow day!
I had some plans to maybe go to town and do a little shopping today (just browsing, no buying-I'm poor :) ) But I think I will just stay in and read and gaze out at the snow. That and my car has about 7 inches of snow piled on top of it and I'm too lazy to want to clean it...
I start my online class this week. It was supposed to be my only class, but everyday now it's looking more and more like there is one class that I'm going to have to drive the hour to campus to take because it isn't offered online-but I have to do what I have to to graduate! I really don't like school at all.
How is the new year going for everyone? I hope you all are enjoying the snow, if you have it, soon enough it will be spring and then we'll probably miss it (har har)
Blessings to you all :)
I know that was a very long passage I shared yesterday, so I wanted to pick out some of my favorite parts of the Psalm in the next few days:
Psalm 37:7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him
I know this is something that I struggle with a lot. I want things to go my way and happen when I want them to happen. This verse encourages me greatly in the fact that patience is so important when it comes to God's timing. He knows what is to come and we do not :) I just have to remind myself of that daily!
Sweater-Hand me down
Sweater dress-Target
Shoes-Hand me down
Scarf-Taken from a sweater set :) haha
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