Sunday, February 12, 2012

Vintage Valentine

Valentine's Day threw up on me a little bit. I found this charming heart sweater last year on a one dollar rack at the thrift store. I couldn't pass it up! It's the perfect Valentine's Day sweater. I'm planning on wearing it again to school on Valentine's Day.
Of course, I then had to throw on as much pink, red, and white as I could find in my closet. Definitely made me feel a bit more festive, and also nice and cozy-as the weather here is definitely taking a turn towards very cold temps.

Do you have any fun Valentine plans? I'm excited to be there for the party with my first graders :) I still have to make them some Valentines before Tuesday! Yipes, I better get to work!

God Bless, and have a wonderful Sunday :D

1 Corinthians 13:6-7
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Heart Sweater-Vintage


Midwest Muse said...

Oh man! I love all the colors in this. You look so valentine's day ready! And I love the white tights. I've always wanted to try a pair. You look as sweet as ever!

Anonymous said...

Great, great pink and red look. That sweater is so romantic nad sweet but still cozy. Love the look!

<3 Cambria