These two are also 'newlyweds.' They're the nicest couple one could ever meet! Sean roomed with this great guy his last semester of college.
Of course, here's a picture of our husbands holding our purses while we did things like fix our hair and fiddle with our jackets, etc. You know...they're man enough to handle it. The funniest thing was that when I took these pictures, there were a couple of guys who walked in between and just looked at them like, "wow, we're glad we don't have wives!" bahaha...our hubbies are the best.
This lovely lady was a roommate of mine in college! It was great to catch up on what is going on in each others' lives. Lucky girl graduated this past year and is moving on from school-jealous! :) Great to see you Jenny!
And of course, a picture of the great wildlife. We saw some lovely ducks traversing the water!
After coming back from the reception, my day kind of went downhill. I did laundry...and then fell asleep on the couch...while clutching my science book...sigh. I really intended to READ my science book and now I feel like I kind of wasted my day-ya know? I hate naps. I mean, I love naps. But I hate naps. They never turn out how I want them too and I always end up sleeping later and not doing anything productive when I wake up. I need a shock collar throughout the day to help me stay awake during homework time! Blah...
Someone asked me the other day what I wear on my lips. I only have one lipstick that I wear...after all my years of searching I finally found a shade that I really love! It is Revlon Matte lipstick and the color is called "Wine Not." I love the matte finish of it and the fact that it fits my skin tone much better than a traditional red color.
Alright shall now be conquered!
God Bless all :) I hope you had a lovely weekend wherever you happened to be :)
James 4:10
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
Earrings-Gifted to me by my lovely friend Alex S. :)
Dress and belt-Vintage, Thrifted via 4 Seasons flea market
Oh my, that dress is SO FABULOUS!
That is SUCH a pretty dress!! It reminds me of something the ladies wear "Mad Men" - and I love the contrasting belt with it! Gorgeous!
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