Tomorrow we have a birthday brunch for Sean's mom and then he will be going to his hometown for a couple of days to help out his dad with a project. So I will be putting my little nose to the grindstone while he is away (here's hoping) to get lots of homework and housework done! Fingers crossed! haha
I made Sean take pictures for me twice today... We first took some pics in the little forest by Sertoma Park...But I didn't really like the way the photos turned out. Here are a few:
This dress is one of the dresses that my residency friend gave to me. Isn't it the prettiest color/pattern/style? I just adore it and really feel so lucky that it just got handed to me! It was the comfiest thing for running around the city all day long, and I felt just perfect in it. No pulling up pants and pulling down shirts, no adjusting of uncomfortable clothing. I'm convinced that dresses are pure awesome.
We were driving around running some errands and I made Sean get out and take some more pics of me behind the Shopko (now, if that isn't the best redneck sentence you've ever heard....) Also, I'm slowly realizing just how narcissistic blogging really is...but let's just go with it, k?
I ended up liking the backdrop a lot more, but still pretty much hating the pictures. I mean, let's be honest here people. I'm not liking a lot of the pictures of myself nowdays. Stress + icky weather + first grader bacteria being thrown at your face all day long? Makes for pretty nasty skin. I really think I should visit a dermatologist because the retouching button on my editing software is getting quite the workout these days...
Deuteronomy 13:4
It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.
I hope you all had a lovely Saturday :)
God Bless!
Ps: Mom, I realized too late this evening that I was going to call you! I feel like a terrible person! I promise I will have lots of time to talk to you tomorrow evening, so be expecting a call from a daughter who loves you! :D
Earrings-Vintage Avon
Dress-Vintage, given to me by my friend Nicole :)
What a gorgeous dress! I adore the color and print!
How fabulous is that dress?! You look absolutely stunning my dear! LOVE YOU!
I LOVE this dress, super fun! I think I have bag that would match :P And I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you my dear! Coffee date? yes?
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