I already talked about how I brought home a plethora of vintage clothing items from my grandmother's house, and that my sister had taken photos of them. Well I found pictures today from when we were playing dress up in these very same dresses! It is so neat to remember all of the fun times we had in those dresses when we were tiny girls. If only I had known then that I would love them so much when I got to be old enough for them to actually fit me!! I just love all of the pieces I brought home and spent today hand washing them carefully and hanging them outside on the line to dry. I won't post pictures of all of them, because there are a lot! Plus I have some of them saved for special occasions coming up this summer, such as weddings, rehearsal dinner, bridal showers, etc.-hooray! The pictures from when we were little are horrible quality, so please excuse that.
We used to have tea parties every summer on my grandma's best plates. We'd put 'fancy jam' on crackers and drink tart, fruity juice. There was one tiara and we all took turns being the princess. We would have three tea parties a day so we could each be princess and that particular rosy cheeked little girl got the best dress, the gloves, the tiara, and goodness knows what else (the ability to boss others around perhaps? Which is extremely rare for a youngest child, who usually gets bossed around.) It was the best- I love sisters :):)
1 Timothy 5:1-2
Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.

All vintage dresses from my grandmother- most of them from the 1950's!!
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