Earlier this week Sean and I went grocery shopping (wooo! That's like the most exciting thing we get to do these days to get out of the house!) and I was in my pj's, so I just decided to add a scarf to my pj's and go to the grocery store that way! It was pretty much the best (and most comfortable) shopping trip I've had in a while. So, this isn't a fabulous outfit, but it's what I love to throw on when Sean and I just decided to go run errands on a whim or some such nonsense-casual, but still not sweatpants!
Yesterday was my older sister's 25th birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN!!!! I was glad I had gotten to see her this past weekend to make up for not seeing her yesterday.
Also, yesterday I got to spend some time with my eldest sister and my two wonderful nephews shopping around town! She was in need of winter clothes for the boys and so I helped her out with two of my favorite thrift spots. I have a talent for thrifting clothes for me-but not little boys-so we it was an adventure! Then my brother-in-law met up with us at my house for some supper :) It was such a fun evening and it had been so long since I've seen them all! I missed them dearly-hooray for family lifting your spirits! Sean's father even stopped in for a little while, so it was a bit of a zoo for part of the evening-but a very fun zoo :)
Can you see our lovely little HHR in the background of these pictures-you know, the one right by my head? haha. I'm so glad we have it! It's great for travel and hopefully camping someday :)
Ok, I have a TON of homework that I've kind of procrastinated on all week long. Surprises just keep popping up and I'm trying to keep my head above water! I have to say though that I definitely put family above anything school related-as I think it should be. School shouldn't take over your life or put a rift between you and your family. I'd much rather kiss my baby nephews than read an article on phonemic awareness any day!
God Bless Lovlies!
Psalm 136:2
Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever.
Scarf-Lifelight Vendor
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