This may be the last of my posts for a little over a week. I am going to one of my favorite places on earth-Big Stone Camp for Christ to do a little counseling and it is going to be blissful. A week off of work and no computer! I am also going to be attending the cancer walk in Milbank starting Friday(June 10) at 5 pm, so if anyone is in the area you should come! My sister is the honorary chairperson this year which is so awesome-I am so happy for you Jen! The Milbank "It Only Takes A Spark" Cancer walk is so great because it keeps all of the money within the community to help cancer victims by giving them things like gas cards and helping with their treatment costs. It is such a great cause!! Be there!!

It was raining pretty hard when we took these pictures. It looks a lot darker out than it actually seemed! I like how you can see the raindrops in some of the pictures-and I got pretty wet! :)

Matthew 7:13-14
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
God Bless! I hope you all have a wonderful week next week and I will be back the 20th!
Dress- Charlotte Russe
Have fun Katie!!! What a truly lovely way to help others. You look gorgeous as always and these rain pictures are the cutest!
Your dress is so cute! I hate outfit photos in the rain... ahhh no fun!
Enjoy your week!
Chic on the Cheap
The rain often leads my thoughts to you :) Have fun at camp! I miss the days when I had the chance to be a counselor... hopefully I will again someday.
YEAH! You're comin' to CAMP, gurrrl! I'm gonna see you in TWO DAYS!
I don't know if I'll have enough time to get over to Milbank tonight for the cancer walk... I'm not even anywhere near leaving my house!
If I see you I'll see you!
The colors in this dress are beautiful.
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