Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures during my week at camp, and the ones that I did take are stuck on my phone until we can find our MicroSD adapter...I know it's in the house somewhere! When I find it I will share the photots :)
My time away started off at the Cancer walk in my hometown. My sister was the honorary chairperson and we were all so proud of her! We sort of got rained out, but just stuck it out in the rain until it eventually stopped that evening. We were pretty soaked!
After the weekend I started my time at camp. It was absolutely amazing. I felt so weird going back to work yesterday after only a week at camp. Last year I spent a whole month there, so I want to go back so badly. I did miss my husband terribly, but my life wouldn't be complete without camp. It has shaped who I am in so many ways and I am so blessed to have a place full of best friends that I get to see every year. I have been going there since I was ten years old and this was my thirteenth year there. I never want to stop counseling and helping out and hopefully Sean and I can go together next year!!! haha, I'm already thinking about next year...but I just can't help it!
I'm attempting to get back to the real world today with dishes and laundry and lots of grown up things. The truth is that when Sean was away I basically did nothing around the house, and when I was away and Sean was home he cleaned and organized and got so many things done. He's kind of my superhero. I wish I didn't love being lazy so much!
Ephesians 1:8-10
With all wisdom and understanding, He[d] made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
Smiling in the rain,
Tank-Dollar Store
Shoes-Charlotte Russe
1 comment:
Such a perfect color!
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