Luckily, Sean is having kind of a guys weekend with some of his buddies, so I will be able to lock myself in our room and hopefully get the projects done in no time! The stupid thing is that none of them are that difficult, but I just have to sit down and make myself do them. I'm a big "works better under pressure" type of girl. I got A's on all of those papers I did the day they were due. If I had started them earlier they would have been poor work. Can anyone relate to me on this?
Anywho, last night Sean took us out for our last time at Skippers-pretty much the only nice restaurant here in town. We decided it'd be fun to go there one last time before we move! It was nice :)
Well, off to do those dishes I've let pile up! Sean is so good and does the dishes all the time, so I better start pulling my weight around here ;) haha!
God Bless!
Proverbs 3:3-4
3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.
You can't see it in the pictures, or in real life for that matter, but this dress has little holes toward the bottom of it. I decided today that when the holes finally become visible that I will just cut off the bottom and use it as a scarf, and wear the top half as a top! The material is so incredibly soft and it would be a shame to throw it away, but you can't send it to the thrift store with holes-so it sounds like a good solution to me! :D
Earrings-Hand me down from sister
Sweater dress- Target clearance
Jacket-Thrifted, Ragstock
Belt- Vintage, thrifted
Leggings-Dollar Store
Boots- Walmart
great layering! ^.^
how much to do you love the target clearance rack?? for real, great dress! great find!! also, your scripture form Proverbs is such a great reminder of how important faith can be in life:) thanks!
This color green is so striking and beautiful, lush and mossy! I like it so much when combined with navy and this tweedy jacket! Awesome look!
Hi : )
Lovely blog!
beuatiful hair ♥
nice post! love your outfits! and your energy! :) enjoy the snow!! :D
♥ xxx
Cute blog! :)
I would appreciate if you pass me by and participate in the giveaway at this link:
kiss katy
you are so pretty! I love the color combination and your lovely flowy hair :) major hair envy!
I'm reading Proverbs right now & I LOVE it!! Your hair is beautiful, along with this outfit! Very stylish :)
KF x
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