I found this darling little blouse the last time I went thrifting. For two dollars I really couldn't pass it up. It has these sweet little leaves on it and is just the perfect color! The best part is that I bought the skirt and shirt in two different towns, over a year apart and it turns out that they are the same brand! It is called Pykettes. This outfit was just meant to be :)
I definitely felt like a teacher today, with the glasses and topknot. I just couldn't resist! My hair needed to be washed, so up in a bun it went. My contacts have been drying out, so it was time to pull out the glasses. I love this kind of teacher style. Classic, but fun with all of the color.
I am completely aware that I am posting an unnecessary amount of pictures today-but I just couldn't decide! I loved them all, and my wonderful hubby photographer does such a great job at taking my photos :) Plus I'm lazy and don't like to make decisions, so there you go!
Tomorrow we can wear red, white, and blue to work! I'm so excited to get to depart from the black and show my style a little bit :) I will probably wear this skirt again because it's so comfy! But I'm not sure yet what I want to pair with it...so many options, and only one day! haha.
1 Timothy 1:5-7
The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Some have departed from these and have turned to meaningless talk. They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a happy 4th of July tomorrow!
God Bless,
Glasses-Zenni Optical
Earrings-Forever 21
Blouse-Vintage, thrifted via Y's Buys. Pykettes
Skirt-Vintage, thrifted via Four Season's Flea Market. Pykettes
1 comment:
Katie, everything about your outfit is perfection!! It is so classy and retro and just gorgeous! Lovely photos! Have a fantastic 4th of July Darling! xx Marisa
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