For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.”
What a fun weekend! No snowstorms, so my whole family was able to come up and celebrate my sister and I's birthdays. It was so much fun playing with my nephews and playing hostess for a day or two. The weather was beautiful, and my sister, mother and I even got a little shopping in on Sunday!
We played Kinect of course, which was one of my favorite parts. It's almost as fun to watch others play as it is to play yourself! I got to 'box' my dad and brother in law, which in real life I wouldn't have survived. Playing on kinect however? We were much more evenly matched ;) haha!
We even got to watch 'Despicable Me' while trying to get my nephew to succumb to his need for a nap. I got some really adorable pictures of the two sweet boys and had so much fun playing with my camera. After looking at the almost 400 pictures though I realized that I have a lot more practicing to do before I'm any good at photography. I just assumed that with a nice camera every picture would be magic. It's a lot more difficult than that! I think the biggest enemy of my picture taking was the light. If the light isn't right the picture turns out awful. My sisters also had fun taking some pictures :) I'm excited to go through and edit them!
Here is what I wore on Saturday:
Thanks Jeni for taking my pictures!
Top-Vintage, thrifted
Jeggings-Charlotte Russe
Shoes-Target, Christmas gift from hubby :)
My lovely sisters and I :D
My treats displayed on the serving-ware my sisters bought me for the wedding :)
I can't believe I'm another year older. It doesn't seem like a year has past since my last birthday. AAAAND!!! I almost forgot that today is my blog-iversary! One year ago I started this blog and even though I took a break this summer for my wedding :D I'm so glad I kept up with it! I really didn't know what I was doing when I started this thing. All I knew was that I loved looking at other fashion blogs and thought that it would be so neat to look back on what I was doing in the past. It has been my creative outlet and I am having so much fun with it every day. I wear so many of my clothes in such different ways now, I feel more like myself and better about my appearance than I did a year ago. I'd like to think that I'm less self-conscious as well. I think my husband thought I was crazy when I started, but he's so supportive now that he realizes how much fun I have doing this blog. I'm not sure that I'll be able to continue forever, at least at posting 5+ times a week, but I hope it continues for a long time :D
Here are the pictures from Sunday:
Thanks to my Sean for taking the pictures!
Earrings-Gifted by my lovely sister
Sweater Dress-Walmart
Leggings-Dollar store
Hope you all had a great weekend as well!
God Bless,
1 comment:
loving the mustard color - it's my fav color for cardigans!
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