I'm also really excited because Sean is going to let me get a nice camera as a birthday present-eep! I'm so excited. We have to discuss a budget though because the cameras that I would want in my wildest dreams are way too spendy, but I would still like something nice. Do any of my photographer friends out there have suggestions? I'd love for you to share! Then I can finally start taking some nice quality pictures, not just for the blog-but pictures of family and outings and snow--ooo I get all giddy just thinking about it!
It's not even 10 in the morning and already I've had kind of a weird day. Last night I had this horrible pain in my eye, like something was poking it, but I washed it out several times and the pain wouldn't go away. I decided to sleep on it thinking it was just irritated and it would be fine in the morning. I woke up this morning and the pain was still there, even worse than last night so I decided I was going to wait until the eye doctor opened and call them to see about an appointment. The place that I called said that the doctor wasn't in and she'd have to call to see if the doctor could come into town. While I was waiting for her to call back, I blinked several times and the pain was gone! It was the weirdest thing...I can't even explain it. I don't know what was wrong. When the lady called back she said that the doctor could not come in, which I was thankful for because otherwise I would have had to tell her that the pain was mysteriously gone and I didn't need to come in anymore...sheesh. I guess it saved me a trip to the doctor though! That story explains why I'm wearing my glasses at least!
I hope you have a happy Thursday!
God Bless,
Proverbs 3:1-2
My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart,for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.
Scarf-Gifted to me by my lovely sister :)
Skirt-Thrifted-it's 100% silk and has a matching jacket-LOVE IT!
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