ANYWAY, I finally have all of my Seattle photos edited and I am hoping to get a good post tomorrow on all of my travels from this summer.
These pictures are from last Sunday already. I don't know what we were doing...running some type of errands maybe? But anyway it was hot outside and I'm kind of obsessed with this vest :)
Shirt-Dollar store
Shorts-Hand me down
Hat-Gifted to me by my lovely sister
This is a picture from Tuesday. Sean's father came and took us out for supper :) So I just wore the simplest outfit I could muster-a white button down, blazer, jeans, and oxfords.
This week has been one big bag of crazy. I have learned so much already in my first week of teaching first graders. One of the first things I have learned about myself is that I may not want to teach the smaller children after all. We will have to see as the year progresses, but I can definitely see how challenging it really is after finally having first hand experience. I have only ever had experience teaching fourth graders, and it is very different.
This first week of school was especially tiring because most of the week was spent re-teaching the students how to behave in a classroom setting. Just coming off of summer they are used to their lazy home atmosphere and don't like to listen or be quiet, etc. Which is totally normal for a seven year old! As challenging as the week has been, it's also been really fun. The kids are just so cute and I'm already so attached to them. They're still at the age where they cry because they miss home, or their dog-and I just wanna pick them up and give them a big hug. My mentor teacher said that one of the hardest things is to see the students move on after the year is over. I can see already that I will probably be in agreement with that come the end of the year.
One of the little guys in my class is just so adorable- he can be a bit trying sometimes because he likes to be the boss of everyone, but the other day coming in from recess he handed me a dandelion that was all seed and said "I got you this, it's a wishing flower! Sometimes, I just like to give my teachers flowers :)" And he's got this little tooth missing in front and I just wanted to hug him! Gah, so cute :)
After this week I will only be spending Mon-Wed in the classroom and then Thurs-Fri at my college courses. It's going to be weird to not be at the school all week long, and I'm sure it will definitely show the children who their real teacher is, as they've been asking me all week long "But, who's the REAL teacher?" Ahh, kids-always so honest!
I will definitely be blogging this weekend and hopefully keep up with it next week also :)
God Bless!
Luke 18:16
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
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