Yay!! Blogging...I didn't even know the extent of what this was until my glorious sister sent me a link to one of the many fashion blogs I am now obsessed with. For the past few months I have been enamored with the fabulous ladies who put up daily posts of themselves wearing simply lovely clothing. My most favorite bloggers are those who can come up with creative, vintage, or even wacky and eclectic ensembles while still preserving modesty and class.
I have had fleeting moments where I thought about starting a blog, but put it out of my head telling myself that I didn't have time, people to take my pictures, locations for pictures, etc. But these are all merely excuses, and at the urging of some of my favorite people in the world I decided to finally give it a shot.
I have soooo many clothes...I know this....I have a problem...But it seems I am so lazy sometimes and just want to wear sweats and tennis shoes. This is valid in my mind however when I have to walk several blocks to campus and class, so heels day to day is simply unpractical. I have a love for heels however that transcends pain and so I wear them whenever I get the chance. Back to my point-I am hoping that starting this blog will get me to a point where I dress up every day to look my best and feel beautiful and confident :):)-Because don't we all want that?
I have so many inspirational people in my life who care about me, and I would like this blog to be a Christ-centered place where I can share my feelings and posts about something I love but have limited knowledge about-fashion!
I haven't asked any of my family or friends if I can show pictures of them...so for now I will just crop them out of the picture...
I am just going to put up a few pictures to give you all a taste of what my style is...I would describe it to be extremely eclectic-I love vintage, but all different types of vintage from 1900-present :D:D My sisters are beautiful, fashionable women-but me? Well-I'm just crazy!! I come up with the weirdest things sometimes, but I don't care! I wear it out in public anyway because it makes me happy :) I honestly don't know where I came from sometimes :D
Alrighty...so here are some photos of me-some from a few years ago, and some from a few days ago!