Hello dolls! I have a set of photos taken a couple of weeks ago when I visited my hometown to spend some time with my mother and one of my sisters for the weekend. We went on a little Sunday drive after church as my mom thought this would be the perfect location for outfit photos! There is this park in my hometown where a lot of community events and such are held, which holds a spillway for the park's man made lake. I always thought it was magical when I was a kid and quite terrifying too, but it is quite a lovely sight if you catch it on the right day.
It was also extremely windy on this day, so it was quite a blustery photoshoot!
I made my sister stand out in the cold with me while I directed her...boy family is awesome amiright?
Wind is the destroyer of all skirts...sigh. This skirt has one of the loveliest flowing a-line shapes, but of course all you can see is that it is sucked to my legs as if I were caught in a parachute or something. What a coincidence! Just the look I was going for ;)
Thanks Jeni for taking my photos :D
Did you all have a splendid weekend? Mine swept my so quickly I'm not sure it even happened! Oh bother when that happens...
God Bless!
Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
Coat, Sweater, Gloves-Grandmother's
Earrings, Bag, Jacket, Skirt, Shoes- Vintage, Thrifted
Sunglasses- Bought on a visit to Seattle
Lipstick- Revlon Cream Lipstick in Black Cherry