Friday, March 22, 2013


Sometimes I just have to take a vintage dress and make it as non-traditional as possible. Life is too short not to wear hot pink wedges with a butter yellow dress I say! Too. Short. 
If you look closely, you can see my nice bashed up knee from a couple of weeks ago. It looks pretty good now compared to how it was! I'd love to say I have scars for doing cool things like rock climbing and mountain biking and such, but really all I did to earn this stripe was walk down a sidewalk. Siiiigh.  Such is life :)

The time change is like a blogger's best friend, I'll tell you. It's finally light out again after I get home from work! That is such a nice feeling. I feel like I can go for walks or bike rides after work-now I just need the temperature to comply!

And of course, these shoes just make me want to leap in the air. Commence jumping.

So, pretty much one of my worst nightmares happened as a teacher at school this week. One of my darling little girls broke her arm on my watch! I know it couldn't have been prevented-she was just playing on the playground and had an accident-but that doesn't lessen my guilt any. I honestly had no idea it was broken-I thought maybe it was a bad sprain or something. Thank goodness I called her mom to take her to the hospital!  Suffice it to say I'd like to be done with accidents for a while.

That being said, it's Friday friends! I certainly cannot complain about that any. We have plans to scrub just about every inch of our apartment, which sorely needs a bit of TLC. Here's to dusting off our lazy bums and pulling out the elbow grease!
God Bless, 

Ephesians 6:10-11
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Blazer, Belt, Dress- Vintage
Shoes- Thrifted


  1. Ouch to your knee and to that poor little girl's arm! It sounds like you did the right thing for sure!

    I love this bright sunny look - definitely makes me think spring!

  2. I love this bright sunny and colourful look!! Life is too short to not wear what you want! This dress is so lovely and looks great with the kicks
    Your poor knee and that poor girl! That's not fun at all :(

  3. I'm sorry about your knee!
    And I'm sooo sorry for your student's arm! Poor baby... I hope it doesn't effect you too badly...
    Love all the color you've packed into this outfit! The first jumping picture is so invigorating!


  4. This is just too fun! Can't believe you thrifted those wedges! Awesome!


  5. Oh! Hope your little girl (don't you always refer to students are "your" kids too?) feels better come Monday.

    I like the plaid with that dress.

  6. I love this look, its so amazingly cool! Fabulous trainers and dress :)
    Georgia x

  7. I am seriously in love with these hot pink wedges!!! Great pictures, as always xxoo

  8. ouchy, your knee! and oh my gosh! those shoes! okay.. you are the only person i have seen wearing those that looked wonderful! time change is a grand thing, it is!
    ah, i hope the little girl is alright! that is something that freaks me out thinking about!

    lindsey louise

  9. Mehehe, too short indeed! So glad you went with the unconventional trend of sneaker wedges to pair with your pretty dress :D
    And jumping photos, squeee!!! Haha, you mastered it Katie. You look awesome.
    Also, that would've scared me so bad...good thing you called that girl's mom!

    Trendy Teal

  10. Ugh, I know what you mean. I was babysitting my friend's little girl and kept my eyes on her always, but she still managed to fall and bruise her cheek. I felt so bad, as if I've hit her :D But I suppose children can't be protected in a bubble always.
    Let me say, that your outfit is by far the most amazing I've seen. The pink and yellow, and oh that amazing blazer, you make me drool!!!
