Thursday, January 13, 2011


The morning started off rocky. I was supposed to go to the grocery store at 9 am to make sure I got the sales before the mob stormed in. This hy-vee is vicious. But I went to start my car...and the poor baby thought it was too cold outside to start. Oh, Roxy-just can't handle the cold can you? So I waited until this afternoon when the sun had been shining on the car for a while to go and it started! Thankfully...:)
The grocery store was a madhouse-I hate having so many people around me when I shop. The soup aisle was especially suffocating. Progresso is usually like $2.50 or something and it was on sale for $1 so the aisle was chock full of middle aged women trying to keep their family's tummies warm. Some lady looked at me and said "I guess we all like soup!" and I was like "Well, that's because it's so cold here! :)" haha. It was an adventure anyway!
The nicest thing about going to the grocery store was the guy who was working at the checkout. He was a little older than middle aged, but he was just so happy the whole time he was checking my groceries. He asked how I was and I said "Great! How are you?" and he replied "Blessed :)" and then when I was done paying and about to leave he said "I hope your day is blessed and happy and that your family is blessed too :)" !!
It pretty much made my day-why don't we all act like that DAILY? Maybe we'd be happier people if we just added enjoyment into our mundane tasks-like checking groceries can't be that fun-but he didn't care! He just wanted to make others happy. I wanted to go back and give him a thank you card or something.

1 John 3:18
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

God Bless :D

Coat-vintage- It was my Grandmother's first 'grown up coat'-at least that's what she told me :)
Skirt-JC Penny
Sweater tights-Gifted
ps: I totally ripped this outfit off from one of my favorite bloggers-see the post here.

1 comment:

  1. That coat is to die for! Looks very Tiffany blue to me. Hmmm...I'm inspired.

    Dana @ Cville Fashion
